8 Tips to Get More From Your Medicare Coverage
Whether it be a good sale or making the most out of a product or service, there’s a certain thrill to getting more than you paid for. With Medicare, it’s easy to make the most of it.
Today, we’re sharing 8 simple tips to help you maximize your Medicare coverage.
Need Medicare or retirement planning help? The Medicare Allies team specializes in Medicare health insurance as well as retirement planning. Call us today at 833-801-7999 for personalized help.
Tip 1: Take advantage of all the no-cost tests and services
Medicare, especially Part B and Medicare Advantage plans, cover a wide variety of tests and preventive services. From flu shots to cancer screenings, there’s coverage for most major medical concerns that will help you stay healthy and catch potential problems early.
For more information on what’s covered and what that coverage looks like, check out our blog about no-cost preventive screenings, tests and shots.
Tip 2: Try to only see doctors who accept Medicare assignment
Visiting doctors outside your insurance plan at any time can be an expensive choice. With Medicare, that still holds true. One of the easiest ways to make sure you’re getting the most out of your Medicare coverage is to make sure your plan covers your physicians.
When looking for a plan or a provider, make sure they are going to be covered by your Medicare coverage. The best way to make sure your providers are covered is to reach out and double-check before your appointment.
Want to learn more about Medicare assignment? We’ve got you covered with a blog post dedicated to explaining what it means and how you can make sure your providers are covered by your plan.

Tip 3: Download the “What’s Covered” app
Want to know what’s covered on your Medicare plan? There’s an app for that. Medicare offers a free app, available for Apple and Android, that allows you to search your Medicare plan and make sure you are not going to be surprised by an out-of-network fee.

Want to know more? We wrote a quick guide to the “What’s Covered?” app to help you get started.
Tip 4: Get a MyMedicare.gov account
Technology makes it easier than ever to keep track of your Medicare information and manage your coverage. MyMedicare.gov is a free-to-use tool to keep track of claim information and access medical information.
Learn more about what a MyMedicare.gov account can do for you by reading our blog post about it.
Tip 5: Keep track of Medicare dates and deadlines
Remember the panic of handing in school assignments on time?
Medicare deadlines can feel like that sometimes because there are only certain times of year you can alter your insurance coverage. Eliminate that fear by making sure those important dates are written down somewhere you can reference them and never miss an important deadline again.
Want an easy printout of Medicare dates? We have one! Click here to review Medicare dates and print out your own Medicare calendar.

Tip 6: Compare your Part D and Medicare Advantage options every year
One of the most important things you can do to make sure you are getting the Medicare coverage that works the best for you is to make sure you review your coverage plan annually. When the Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) goes out every fall, make sure you review it and see if your plan is changing in the upcoming year.
Changes to Part D coverage and Medicare Advantage plans are not only possible, but they happen often. By reviewing your plan information, you will be aware of changes before they occur, and you might find that your plan no longer fits your needs.
We have written two previous blogs that go into more detail on how to compare your plan information. We have dedicated blogs for Medicare Advantage and Part D Prescription Drug Plans. In them, you’ll be able to find information on what changes might happen and how to compare plans using medicare.gov.
Tip 7: Review your Medicare Supplement annually
Things change from year to year. Prices might go up and coverage might alter. That’s why it’s important to review your Medicare Supplement annually to make sure you know what is happening.
Want to know more? We have a helpful video that will walk you through the Medicare Supplement review and what to expect from it.

Tip 8: Have a licensed insurance agent review your Medicare coverage
Want to make sure that your Medicare plan is still the best one for you? Have an expert review your coverage with you — you can get that help for free.
Learn more about what agents do and how they can help you by checking out our video about it.
There are easy ways to make sure Medicare coverage selections are still working for you. By following these 8 easy tips, you can be more confident in your coverage.
Want to reach that peace of mind and get the most out of your Medicare? Give us a shout! We are happy to help answer any questions you have and help you find the perfect plan for you. Reach us at 833-801-7999.
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With a little information about you, the experts at Senior Allies can run quotes for many different kinds of coverage. Since we represent many carriers, we can compare costs for several companies to find the best price for you.
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Our team of dedicated, licensed agents can help you as little or as much as you need. Whether it’s answering a few questions about Medicare or creating a comprehensive Medicare Planner with you, we are your Senior Allies.
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