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Blog: General Interest

Do you know the 7 most common tax mistakes? What about the fact that you can get a tax break just for being over 65? Get the details here.

1. Keep Carbs and Sugars Low 2. Strength Training 3. Physician-Supervised Weight Loss Program 4. Weight Loss Medication 5. Drink Half Your Body Weight In Ounces of Water 6. Consider Adding Magnesium to Your Diet 7. Obesity behavioral therapy...

Some Medicare Advantage plans offer a free gym membership or fitness benefit, but where can you use it? We’re looking at popular gyms and programs to see what your fitness benefit might cover in your area.

What were our readers interested in this year? Navigating Medicare and staying healthy.

New CMS regulations are going into effect this fall. Find out what they are and how those regulations exist to serve you.